No fancy machine learning models, here. Just a collection of simple and intuitive hacks. Later we'll need these benchmarks to understand if our fancy models are actually any good.

Quick Summary:

1 Setup

1.1 Load Packages

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from tabulate import tabulate
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
from src import utils  # see src/ folder in project repo
from import make_dataset

1.2 Helper Functions

print_df = utils.create_print_df_fcn(tablefmt='html');
show_fig = utils.create_show_fig_fcn(img_dir='models/benchmark/');

1.3 Load Data

data = make_dataset.get_train_data_v1()
season daynum numot tourney team1 team2 score1 score2 loc team1winseed1 seednum1seed2 seednum2 seeddiff ID
0 1985 20 0 0 1228 1328 81 64 0 1W03 3Y01 1 -21985_1228_1328
1 1985 25 0 0 1106 1354 77 70 1106 1nan nannan nan nan1985_1106_1354
2 1985 25 0 0 1112 1223 63 56 1112 1X10 10nan nan nan1985_1112_1223
3 1985 25 0 0 1165 1432 70 54 1165 1nan nannan nan nan1985_1165_1432
4 1985 25 0 0 1192 1447 86 74 1192 1Z16 16nan nan nan1985_1192_1447

2 Models

2.1 Constant Model

\[\text{All teams are created equal}\]

models = {}
models['constant'] = pd.DataFrame({'ID':data['ID'], 'Pred':0.5})

2.2 SeedDiff Model

\[\text{Higher seeded team is more likely to win}\]

In this model, we use the relative difference in seed to predict the winning team. For example,

  • If two teams have equal seeds, they have equal probabilities of winning.
  • If two teams have maximum difference in seeds (i.e. top seed vs bottom seed), then the team with higher (lower value) seed has winning probability of 1.

In math, this is \[d_i = \text{difference in seeds for game } i\] \[p(win_i) = \frac{d_i - d_{min}}{d_{max} - d_{min}}\]

models['seeddiff'] = (data.set_index('ID')
                      .pipe(lambda x:
                            ((x['seeddiff'] - x['seeddiff'].min()) /
                             (x['seeddiff'].max() - x['seeddiff'].min())))
                      .rename({'seeddiff':'Pred'}, axis=1)

3 Evaluation

3.1 LogLoss

models_loss = {}
for m_name, m in models.items():
    m_loss = (m.pipe(pd.merge,
                     data.loc[data.tourney == 1, ['ID', 'team1win', 'season']],
                     on='ID', how='inner')
              .apply(lambda x: log_loss(x['team1win'], x['Pred'])))
    models_loss[m_name] = m_loss
log_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(models_loss)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Log Loss - Benchmark Models')
ax.set_ylabel('Log Loss')


3.1.1 When a model is full of itself

There is a huge spike in 2018 season because a 16th seeded team beat the top seeded team. In this case, the SeedDiff Model predicts a winning probability of exactly 0, which would result in an infinite log-loss. Fortunately, sklearn.metrics.log_loss clips the predicted probabilities away from 0 and 1 by a small amount to prevent infinite loss. It'd be a good idea to prevent our models from predicting 0 or 1 probabilities (i.e. pretending to know the outcome with certainty).

Here is a query for the game that caused an infinite loss in SeedDiff Model.

tmp = data[(data.season == 2018) & (data.tourney == 1)]
season daynum numot tourney team1 team2 score1 score2 loc team1winseed1 seednum1seed2 seednum2 seeddiff ID
158239 2018 137 0 1 1420 1438 74 54 0 1Y16 16Y01 1 -152018_1420_1438
158241 2018 137 0 1 1411 1462 83 102 0 0Z16b 16Z01 1 -152018_1411_1462
158225 2018 136 0 1 1347 1437 61 87 0 0W16b 16W01 1 -152018_1347_1437
158216 2018 136 0 1 1242 1335 76 60 0 1X01 1X16 16 152018_1242_1335
158236 2018 137 0 1 1168 1345 48 74 0 0W15 15W02 2 -132018_1168_1345